Tuesday, July 12, 2011

41 more days...but who's counting??

The countdown has begun...I am now to the point where people are asking me "How much longer do you have?" instead of "How far along are you?" ...so that has to be a good sign, right?  Alex took this picture of me last Friday, so I was nearing the end of my 33rd week.  These days I am just uncomfortable, swollen and hot, today I am 34 weeks and 2 days I am finally feeling like I'm ready to get this baby out of my belly.

I had my 33 week Dr. appointment last Friday and everything is still going great, I am measuring right on track and weight gain is steady and normal.  I asked my Dr. to feel my belly to see if she could tell the baby's position and after some manipulation she determined that baby is head down, so let's hope she stays that way:)  I can tell that Baby is starting to feel cramped in there because I cannot get comfortable no matter what, sitting, standing or laying down, I've always got something poking me making it hard to breathe :)  The movements have gone from cute little kicks to rolls and twists and pushing unknown body parts up against my belly, it's pretty crazy to watch.

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