Wednesday, April 13, 2011

21 Weeks...

I am now into my 21st week, officially past the halfway point!  It's gone so fast already, I am growing by the day!  Unfortunately, I still don't feel like I'm completely out of the awkward stage though.  In some outfits, people that don't know me may just think that I have a beer gut, so I've been trying to wear tighter shirts that show off my bump. I haven't bought a ton of maternity clothes yet as some of them would still be too big.  Actually I only have 1 pair of jeans (maternity) that fit me right now so that's really fun wearing those like everyday, I plan on doing some shopping while the hubby is out of town this weekend though :)

Anyway, the 2nd trimester has been really great, no morning sickness and I've had a lot more energy.  This week has been rough as we are still a little jet lagged from Japan, but I'll make it!  Another exciting thing about this week is that our first piece of baby furniture came in for the nursery, so I am pretty excited to get that going! I know Alex is really pumped to paint the nursery pink ;)

It's a GIRL!

I'm thrilled to announce that Baby VerHeul is a girl!  We had our Dr. appt on Thursday before we left for Japan and although she wasn't cooperative at first, we were finally able to get her to move so that we could see what we were having.  It was funny actually, they always tell me to drink some water before my ultrasound and this time apparently I drank too much and my bladder was so full that they actually asked me to go pee and come back so that she would have more space to move around. 

Baby V weighs about 11 ounces (probably more now as this was almost 2 weeks ago).  She has a healthy heartbeat of 152 and is now 9-10 inches long!  I can feel lots of movement and my Mom was even able to feel some movement from the outside when we were in Japan.  Such a crazy feeling, I wish y'all were here to feel my tummy!