Monday, June 13, 2011

Baby Shower!

As many of you know, some of my great friends and in-laws hosted a fabulous shower for me and baby this past weekend, they all thought it would be funny to take a picture touching my belly...yup all of their hands fit on there...with room to spare even!   The shower was great and friends/family were very generous, baby is already very spoiled!  We had some snacks and punch and played some games and opened gifts, games included measuring my belly, guess the flavor of baby food and another game that involved scooping cotton balls into a bowl blindfolded haha.  I have to say, Meredith apparently thinks I'm looking huge these days because her guess measurement for my belly was almost twice as big as my belly actually is ;).  It was so nice having Mere here for the weekend, and she wasn't our only out of town guest, Tori (Alex's sister) drove up from Oklahoma and....

Mom even flew in for the weekend to surprise me, Alex did such a good job keeping it secret from me, as that's not easy to do! 

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