Here I am! Tomorrow I'll be 27 weeks, I can't believe how quickly this is all happening! Today we had our hospital tour, which definitely made things seem more real and even scared me a little bit. I've seen it all on TV but I've never been to a hospital for a birth of any family or friends, so this was all new to me. Alex didn't seem to be freaked out and he's actually pretty excited and keeps telling me to hurry up and get baby out so he can play with her.
Now that I'm at the end of my 2nd trimester (week 28 starts the 3rd trimester), I am starting to get tired more easily, for instance last night I couldn't keep my eyes open after 8:30pm. Baby is moving around a lot and the movements feel stronger everyday. One night last week we balanced the remote on my belly and just watched it for about a half an hour as she moved around and it kept tipping back and forth....yes you'd be surprised the weird things you think of when you're preggo :)
Another pregnancy symptom/side effect I haven't told you guys about yet is my forgetfulness and absentmindedness. I remember when I first read about this being a possible symptom and I thought to myself, yeah right! However, if you asked Alex about it, I'm sure he'd go on and on about how I have hard time focusing and finishing my thoughts. When I was in Tucson and one afternoon my sister and I were having lunch, there was actually a point in our conversation when we both had to stop and ask "wait, what were we talking about?" "I don't remember" "Me either".
Speaking of my sister, she is finally nearing her delivery date, so be thinking of her and praying for her on Friday as she will be going in to deliver baby boy von Scheliha :)
Hi Bea! Have you seen obvious movement through your clothes?? I bet you have!! I love the remote thing! How is Rovie behaving? Do you think he is sensing something?!! Don't worry about the forgetfulness, as it will pass, as it did for me for the most part; though, I've always been somewhat forgetful, especially when it comes to any degree of multitasking--haha!! The tiredness will pass too, but not until after she's born...though, you will develop another kind of tiredness due to lack of sleep due to BGVH waking in the night, etc.!! If you're tired at 8:30, then you need to go to bed, as that's what your body is telling you to do--words of wisdon from Mom!! BTW--you look great!!