Monday, August 29, 2011

Baby Update

Today baby is officially 1 week late!  I don't blame her, it's been incredibly hot here, yesterday at 111 and today a high of 108, I would stay inside as long as I could too! Unfortunately since she hasn't come on her own, we will be going in to be induced this evening.  Although some say it's ok to go up to 42 weeks until being induced, my dr. doesn't like to wait any longer than 41 weeks.  So tonight we're heading into the hospital and they will start to induce at 7pm. We are praying that this process goes smoothly and quickly and that they won't have to end up using pitocin.  They will start me on a suppository and continue every 2-3 hours through the night, this is supposed to help ripen the cervix.  Anyway, that's probably enough detail for everyone, we will keep you posted! Pray for a quick labor and healthy baby for us :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

We made it!

Well, in 4 hours we will have made it to our due date...not sure if that's something to jump up and down about since that means baby is not here yet but woo hoo!  I just wanted to update everyone on my progression.  So far, I'm not dilated and baby is still moving around a lot with a strong heartbeat so we are glad to hear that, however on Friday my blood pressure was elevated slightly and there was a trace of protein in my urine.  For this reason, I have to go back in tomorrow and if my blood pressure has gone up anymore then they will likely induce.  So we will keep you posted on baby's arrival and we are hoping and praying she gets to come on her own!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

38 Weeks...

Here I am!  I know you've all been dying to see how big I've gotten so here you go!  Today I am 38 weeks and 3 days and I am ready to go!  I have had a pretty stress free pregnancy and I really can't complain much, but I have to say, I am SO over being pregnant.  This summer has been extremely hot and long, I think it's been at least in the 90s since May, so needless to say I am ready to meet this little girl and shed this baby weight.  I have weekly appointments and at today's appointment I decided that I just didn't want to look at the scale, so I didn't.  My Dr. also told me that my cervix is still closed and up to my throat, so I guess that means no action yet.  I'm staying positive though, that doesn't mean baby girl won't decide she's ready to come out and get things moving as early as...tonight?? One can hope anyway haha.

My newest fun symptom is the carpal tunnel I have developed, it's super fun for all the typing I have to do with work! For real though it's not that bad...the most annoying part is that my hands/fingers are tingling all the time, like the awesome feeling when your hand falls asleep, only it doesn't go away!  I am looking forward to the swelling of my hands/feet going down so I can wear my wedding rings again and wear some of my other shoes! 

My mom comes into town on Wednesday the 17th, so I'm pretty excited about that.  I'm guessing we'll be waiting for baby to get here even after her due date but at least Mom will be here before she is!  Well, I'll make sure to keep everyone posted! Sorry for the long span of no blog posting...can't believe we're almost there!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Baby Dell

Yesterday, some of Alex's coworkers threw us a shower and gave us some really great gifts including, clothes, diapers, baby converse and some wipes and bathing essentials.  My favorite part was the diaper cake that Alex's friend Sandy made for us, she is so sweet and already calling herself aunt Sandy and offering to babysit...I hope she's serious!  I have to say I'm not surprised that all of the women are excited for Alex to have a baby girl...haha.  Everyone was so generous and we feel so blessed that everyone is so excited for our little baby Dell arrival.

41 more days...but who's counting??

The countdown has begun...I am now to the point where people are asking me "How much longer do you have?" instead of "How far along are you?" that has to be a good sign, right?  Alex took this picture of me last Friday, so I was nearing the end of my 33rd week.  These days I am just uncomfortable, swollen and hot, today I am 34 weeks and 2 days I am finally feeling like I'm ready to get this baby out of my belly.

I had my 33 week Dr. appointment last Friday and everything is still going great, I am measuring right on track and weight gain is steady and normal.  I asked my Dr. to feel my belly to see if she could tell the baby's position and after some manipulation she determined that baby is head down, so let's hope she stays that way:)  I can tell that Baby is starting to feel cramped in there because I cannot get comfortable no matter what, sitting, standing or laying down, I've always got something poking me making it hard to breathe :)  The movements have gone from cute little kicks to rolls and twists and pushing unknown body parts up against my belly, it's pretty crazy to watch.

Monday, June 13, 2011

30 weeks...

Alex took this picture for me today...I know what you're thinking...WOW!! That's kind of what I'm thinking at this point and I'm definitely getting sick of the scale moving in the upward direction! Oh well, what can you do!   I haven't been over-indulging too much but I haven't really held myself back if I wanted some ice cream or some salt and vinegar chips :) 

I don't have too many new symptoms to report yet, I am starting to notice my feet swelling up ( I know they are already so attractive anyway) and my hands are swelling so I have officially retired my engagement ring for the remainder of the pregnancy, as only my band is comfortable since it's sized a little bigger.

Baby is moving like crazy, its really hard to describe but now instead of cute little kicks, I can feel twists/turns and what sometimes feels like somersaults in bizarre!  She's also gotten the hiccups a few times and tends to move around the most in the morning and at night.  Speaking of, sleeping is getting more difficult too, last night I woke up like every hour tossing and turning, luckily Tuesday's and Thursday's are my work from home days so it's nice to sleep in a little.

Other than that, we're just busy getting things ready and trying to enjoy this crazy hot spring/summer before baby gets here...yay for all 100's in the 10 day forecast! 

Baby Shower!

As many of you know, some of my great friends and in-laws hosted a fabulous shower for me and baby this past weekend, they all thought it would be funny to take a picture touching my belly...yup all of their hands fit on there...with room to spare even!   The shower was great and friends/family were very generous, baby is already very spoiled!  We had some snacks and punch and played some games and opened gifts, games included measuring my belly, guess the flavor of baby food and another game that involved scooping cotton balls into a bowl blindfolded haha.  I have to say, Meredith apparently thinks I'm looking huge these days because her guess measurement for my belly was almost twice as big as my belly actually is ;).  It was so nice having Mere here for the weekend, and she wasn't our only out of town guest, Tori (Alex's sister) drove up from Oklahoma and....

Mom even flew in for the weekend to surprise me, Alex did such a good job keeping it secret from me, as that's not easy to do!