Tuesday, March 29, 2011

In other news...

I thought this deserved a post of it's own....yet another baby is being added to the Schreurs extended family..that's right...Joe and Emily are pregnant :)  Current due date is September 27th!  We have actually known for a bit but wanted to keep it on the DL while they told all of their friends/family.  We had planned to video chat with them and when we broke the news of our Baby V, my brother held up a picture of an ultrasound and said "your baby is going to be older than ours" haha, it was awesome!

We feel so blessed and so excited about the "triplets" as my Mom calls them!  It's been fun being able to talk to Lori and Emily about preggo stuff! 

We are actually getting ready to head to Japan on Friday morning, we'll be meeting my parents there as well! I am not feeling too excited about the 13 hr flight however I do feel pretty good about being safe over there and especially that I will be in the same boat as Emily while everyone is eating sushi and drinking beer :)

We have movement!

I am now into my 19th week and feeling great!  It feels like I'm growing by the minute and this isn't even my most current photo as this was taken Wednesday last week.  I am now feeling some movement in there, it's pretty hard to describe, just little flutters that I've definitely never felt before.  They seem to get stronger everyday and more noticeable, in fact Alex was able to hear/feel them when he put his ear up to my belly for awhile before we went to sleep last night. 

Thursday is the big day this week!! We will have our 2nd ultrasound of the pregnancy and hopefully find out whether we're having a baby Rachel or baby Alex :)  It's been more than 10 weeks since we saw the first ultrasound so we are excited to see how much Baby V has grown!

Friday, March 11, 2011

.....Week 16

I'm nearing the end of my 16th week, Monday will be day 1 of week 17.   We had our Dr. appointment today and got to hear the heartbeat again and even got to hear little Baby V squirming around in there...so crazy!  My weigh in was success this time, I actually gained weight instead of losing it from being sick!  I think they were supposed to measure my "belly" but they forgot and so did I so we'll have to wait until next time.  So far, no new fun pregnancy symptoms to discuss....well at least that you'd like to hear about :)

Our next appointment will be right before we leave for our Japan trip in 3 weeks.  This will be the big one! Should be able to find out the sex of the baby and see the growing progress baby has made.  It seems like everyone already knows what we're having except for us so I'm excited to find out for real.  It's funny though, Alex wanted to wait to find out and have it be a surprise, but I told him that either way it will be a surprise...now or in another 5 months!

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Awkward Stage

I text my sister a lot about my symptoms or to ask her questions and recently I texted her to tell her that my jeans were getting really tight and my shirts weren't looking so good on me anymore.  To that she replied "Welcome to the awkward stage!".  I'll be 16 weeks on Monday and have only gained a couple lbs.  I have actually been trying to gain a little weight since at my 12 week appointment I had lost about 6lbs from being sick and I felt kinda bad about that.  It's actually kind of hard to figure out how much you should be eating although they say you should take in an additional 300 calories a day, it's just that you don't want to get gaining too much weight but then you feel bad if you lose weight.  They say I should gain 1-2lbs every week now, we'll see how that goes.

So the picture above Alex took for me, to me it seems pretty drastic but I'm guessing to you it doesn't appear to be that drastic yet.  At work, I've been wearing loose fitting tops with cardigans over them because I haven't told many people yet in the office.  Today while I was sitting at my desk I had my first button undone...kinda like Berner (Murphy) does after she eats a lot...right Em?  Luckily most of my stretchy jeans are still working but I'm guessing it won't be long until I have to start looking for things with a belly band. 

So basically the awkward stage means that to most people, you don't really look pregnant, just that you've got a little belly and if you're lucky, a sizable increase in breast size.  To add to the awkward stage for me...I think all my acne from sophomore year of high school has come back in full force, awesome. They say women are "glowing" in pregnancy...well they actually say that because your hormones can make your skin super oily, thus giving you that lovely glow.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

1st Trimester Recap

Well, I've officially made it through the first trimester and I am very thankful for that! I guess I shouldn't leave Alex out, he made it through the first trimester too :)  It wasn't easy for him either, he was very helpful with housework and put up with a lot of my complaining about my stomach being upset.

It was really smooth sailing up until week 6 when the morning sickness really started to kick in.  We were visiting my Sister and fam in Tucson over new years and unfortunately I was miserable.  It wasn't just the sick feeling in the morning, it was all day long and the smell of just about everything made me want to throw up.

At about week 12 I started feeling much better, slowly getting my normal appetite back.  I had managed to make it through the first 11 weeks of pregnancy without having to take a day off work and then I got a nasty stomach bug and ended up having to take a day off.  My 12 week appointment went pretty well other than having lost a little weight from being sick. My Dr. said everything seemed good and we were able to hear baby's heart beat again.

That brings us to the present. I am 15 weeks and 3 days and I feel great!  My energy is back, I'm not tired all of the time and I am really happy to have my appetite back! :)

Knocked Up

On December 16th, we took a pregnancy test and it was positive.  Girls, let me tell you, if there are two lines but one is really faint, you are definitely knocked up! After a cruise in the Caribbean and a road trip to Tucson, we finally had our first visit to the Dr. where we got to hear Baby's heartbeat for the first time. 

Baby VerHeul is due August 22nd and we couldn't be more excited.  Baby V will arrive about 3 months after his/her cousin is born..due June 3rd to the von Scheliha's.  It is such an exciting time and I am very excited that my sister and I are pregnant together :)