Tuesday, March 29, 2011

We have movement!

I am now into my 19th week and feeling great!  It feels like I'm growing by the minute and this isn't even my most current photo as this was taken Wednesday last week.  I am now feeling some movement in there, it's pretty hard to describe, just little flutters that I've definitely never felt before.  They seem to get stronger everyday and more noticeable, in fact Alex was able to hear/feel them when he put his ear up to my belly for awhile before we went to sleep last night. 

Thursday is the big day this week!! We will have our 2nd ultrasound of the pregnancy and hopefully find out whether we're having a baby Rachel or baby Alex :)  It's been more than 10 weeks since we saw the first ultrasound so we are excited to see how much Baby V has grown!

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