Friday, March 11, 2011

.....Week 16

I'm nearing the end of my 16th week, Monday will be day 1 of week 17.   We had our Dr. appointment today and got to hear the heartbeat again and even got to hear little Baby V squirming around in crazy!  My weigh in was success this time, I actually gained weight instead of losing it from being sick!  I think they were supposed to measure my "belly" but they forgot and so did I so we'll have to wait until next time.  So far, no new fun pregnancy symptoms to discuss....well at least that you'd like to hear about :)

Our next appointment will be right before we leave for our Japan trip in 3 weeks.  This will be the big one! Should be able to find out the sex of the baby and see the growing progress baby has made.  It seems like everyone already knows what we're having except for us so I'm excited to find out for real.  It's funny though, Alex wanted to wait to find out and have it be a surprise, but I told him that either way it will be a or in another 5 months!

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