Sunday, May 1, 2011

Something in the water....

Every Tuesday night Alex and I meet with a bunch of couples from our church for fellowship and bible study.  We joined this group right after we had found out we were pregnant and at that point, there were already  4 other women that were pregnant.  Since then, two babies have been born and 3 others have joined the pregnancy club.  We all joke that there must be something in the water since our group seems to be so reproductive. 

We're all spread out with due dates ranging from beginning of June to the end of September.  So there's a total of 6 of us that are pregnant right now and this picture was taken at a dinner/diaper shower this past week.  It's actually been really nice to have other girls to relate to and talk to about all of the fun experiences that come along with being pregnant.  Tuesday nights usually turn into hour long chats about Dr. appointments, food cravings and weight's fun though!


  1. I love it that you are in a "pregnancy club"!! What a nice looking group of young moms to be!!
